Plenary Lecture 1
09:30-10:30, January 10
Martin Pei
Executive Vice President & CTO, SSAB AB, Sweden
Title: Transformation to fossil free steel with the HYBRIT technology
Plenary Lecture 1
09:30-10:30, January 10
Martin Pei
Executive Vice President & CTO, SSAB AB, Sweden
Title: Transformation to fossil free steel with the HYBRIT technology
Plenary Lecture 2
10:30-11:30, January 10
Takeo Yamaguchi
Professor, Institute of Innovative Research (IIR)
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Title: Systematic material design and development for polymer electrolyte fuel cells and anion exchange membrane water electrolysis
Plenary Lecture 3
09:00-10:00, January 11
Haruko M Wainwright
Assistant Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
Title: Environmental Science for Sustainable Energy
Plenary Lecture 4
10:00-11:00, January 11
Vincent Bessiron
President, Framatome Japan KK
Title: New Dynamics of the Nuclear Energy in France: a Pillar to Reach Carbon Neutrality
Plenary Lecture 5
14:30-15:30, January 12
Keigo Akimoto
Professor, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), and
Institute of Innovative Research (IIR), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Title: Climate change mitigation measures for the carbon neutrality and the transition